Spring 2013 Sunday Evening House League

Scores, Standings and Registration
Bjorn Borg
Posts: 58
Joined: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:00 am

Spring 2013 Sunday Evening House League

Post by Bjorn Borg »

April 15th

The Inaugural Sunday night house league was held tonight. A little rust, and a little cold, but good to get back out there.
Thanks to Peter Maughan for running things.
Team 1     18
Team 2     12
Team 3     12
Team 4     12
Team 5     16
Team 6     16
Team 7     16
Team 8     10
Next week Anne Fairlie will be in charge.
Bjorn Borg
Posts: 58
Joined: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:00 am

Spring 2013 Sunday Evening HL

Post by Bjorn Borg »

April 22nd

It didn't feel so bad for 3 degrees. The standings are pretty bunched up, no one has really pulled away . . . it's a very exciting house league.
Team 1        14     32 
Team 2         9     21 
Team 3        14     26 
Team 4        17     29 
Team 5        16     32 
Team 6        12     28 
Team 7        11     27 
Team 8        19     29
Rafael Nadal
Posts: 32
Joined: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:00 am

Spring 2013 Sunday Evening HL

Post by Rafael Nadal »

May 6th

Finally some nice weather for a Sunday evening, but unfortunately there were a couple of defaults at 8pm tonight. How that could have happened to Teams 1 and 8 is beyond me!

A couple of teams are starting to separate themselves from the rest of the pack after the 3rd week of play.
Team 1         5      37  
Team 2        13      34  
Team 3        10      36  
Team 4        18      47  
Team 5        18      50  
Team 6        14      42  
Team 7        23      50  
Team 8        10      39
Ann Haslett is in charge next week.
John McEnroe
Posts: 45
Joined: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:00 am

Spring 2013 Sunday Evening HL

Post by John McEnroe »

May 13th - Rained Out
May 20th

Quite the night, beautiful weather topped off by "the rockets red glare" during the 9pm set which took some extra concentration from the participants to overcome the sound, the fury, and the smoke drifting onto the courts from the fireworks display at the park.

Team 7 edged into a narrow lead, but it's still anyone's title for the taking.
Team 1        14      51   
Team 2        16      50   
Team 3        12      48   
Team 4        14      61   
Team 5        13      63   
Team 6         9      51   
Team 7        15      65   
Team 8        19      58
Arthur Wolf

Spring 2013 Sunday Evening HL

Post by Arthur Wolf »

May 26th

Team 4 leads narrowly after 5 weeks. Thank you to volunteer Rob Wright for score keeping.
Team 1        19      70    
Team 2        26      76    
Team 3         6      54    
Team 4        22      83    
Team 5         2      65    
Team 6        17      68    
Team 7        12      77    
Team 8        16      74
Jimmy Connors
Posts: 57
Joined: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:00 am

Spring 2013 Sunday Evening HL

Post by Jimmy Connors »

June 2nd

Team 2 had a big night and edged out in front.
Next week is the closing Pizza Night, and we will play the matches from May 24th on the schedule.
Team 1        13      83     
Team 2        21      97     
Team 3        18      72     
Team 4        13      96     
Team 5        15      80     
Team 6        10      78     
Team 7         7      84     
Team 8        15      89
Bjorn Borg
Posts: 58
Joined: Mon Dec 31, 2007 8:00 am

Spring 2013 Sunday Evening HL

Post by Bjorn Borg »

June 9th

Closing night. Team 2 had another big night and finished with a comfortable margin of victory.
Congratulations to Ian Atacan, Alexander Bakchinow, Shaun Campbell, Stephen Dominy, Murray Millar and Jennifer Millson.
Team 1         8       91      
Team 2        20      117      
Team 3        13       85      
Team 4        14      110      
Team 5        17       97      
Team 6        14       92      
Team 7        15       99      
Team 8        11      100

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